There are several ways you can help out with these awards:


The number one best way people can help the Indie RPG Awards is by letting others know that the awards exist. Do not spam RPG boards and forums, but feel free to mention these awards if the topic warrants it. If you're on a mailing list for an Indie RPG, tell others about this award and encourage the designer to register and fans to participate. If you go to the "Registered Games List" and don't see the designer of a game you enjoy, please send them an email encouraging them to participate in voting or in the awards themselves.


Who's out there! This isn't quite as effective as the above, but if you can tell us a little about a particular game that came out in the last year, we can try to do a little legwork and attempt to recruit the designer ourselves! Go to our Registration Page and fill out the form to let us know about the latest games.


This is directly related to helping to get the word out. If you have some space on your site you wouldn't mind giving up, please consider downloading one of the banners below and dropping it at the top or bottom of your page!


Anyone can donate money via Paypal or Credit Card below. If you want to send checks or money orders, please fill out the feedback/comments form off of the main page. All of the donations go towards the prize money for the award winner and the maintenance of this site. Your money will go straight to those recognized as excellent RPG designers, in the hopes that they will be encouraged to write more. Your money counts!


There's so much you can do. First and most importantly, please help get the word out about this award to other designers and people who bought/used your game. If you want, you can also choose to donate your products to the Indie RPG Awards. For example:

A) Submit a copy of your game which will go to this year's winner.

B) Submit a copy of your game to any sub-award that you choose. Example: If you like the idea of "Best Game Support Material" or "Indie RPG Human of the Year", you can submit a copy of your game to the winners of those individual categories.

C) Submit multiple copies of your game to people who donate a certain amount of money to the Indie RPG Awards. You can set the amount donated ($50, $100, etc). This would especially work for generous PDF publishers.

D) If you donate $25 or more worth of gaming materials (ex: If you sell a PDF game for $6, and submit 5 copies, or donate 2 copies of a $20 game), I'll also put your banner and link in this site's banner rotation!

In the above, you would ship to us in advance, we will gather all submissions and ship them, with the prize, to the winners. For electronic materials like PDFs, you can send the materials to the winners (we will give you the contact information). Contact Us Soon to arrange the details!